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Your doctor for Vienna and the surrounding area

Treatment of acute and chronic diseases


A combination of Ayurveda and conventional medical measures can effectively treat many chronic and acute diseases. On this page you will find a condensed overview of my therapeutic offer for the treatment of various diseases.


Gastrointestinal diseases

Ayurveda brings rapid and effective relief from gastrointestinal symptoms.

virale und bakterielle Infektionen

Viral and bacterial infections

I offer both preventive and curative measures for viral and bacterial infections of the human organism.



A combination of acupressure, relaxation exercises and wrapping can be used to specifically relieve migraine attacks.



The treatment of rheumatic diseases in my practice is based on the pillars of nutrition, exercise, relaxation and stress reduction.


Sleep disorders

Targeted relaxation before going to bed, bedtime rituals and an adapted diet can be used to combat insomnia.


Skin diseases

I determine your skin type and initiate the appropriate treatment for your specific skin condition.


Lung diseases

In the therapy of lung diseases, I use a mixture of conventional medicine and Ayurveda.


Cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular disease treatment is primarily about changing your lifestyle and diet.


Hair loss

I get to the root causes of your hair loss issues and set appropriate therapy measures.

Depressionen und Burn Out

Depression and burnout

In my practice, I analyse to identify the root cause of your depression and look for suitable therapy measures.

Long COVID Syndrom

Long COVID Syndrome

The treatment of long-COVID syndrome from an Ayurvedic point of view includes all aspects of your medical history.

Individual advice

Personalized help from your Ayurveda doctor


In my practice in Vienna, I take the time to analyze your symptoms in detail, draw up an appropriate treatment plan for you and help you to become symptom-free as quickly as possible and to find your way back to your professional and everyday life.

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